Invest in your future! Grow your funds with a Certificate of Deposit and choose the term that’s right for you – from 3 months to 36 months. Also save for retirement with an Individual Retirement Account.
Certificates of Deposit (CDs)
91 Days
182 Days
12 Months
18 Months
24 Months
36 Months
Minimum Deposit
Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs)
Traditional IRA
Contributions may be tax deductible.
Earnings grow tax deferred until withdrawn at or after age 59 ½. Once withdrawn, the funds are taxed as income at your current federal income tax rate.
Contributions of taxable compensation can be made until the year in which you reach age 70 ½. (Go to to see how much you can contribute each year.)
Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) must be taken each year after you turn 72.
Roth IRA
Contributions are NOT tax deductible.
Earning on the account are federal income tax free as long as the account has been open for five years or more and you are over 59 ½ years old.
Contributions can be withdrawn tax free at any time.
No Required Minimum Distribution (RMD).
Rollover IRA
If you have a 401(K) from a previous employer it can be rolled into an IRA.
Please consult your tax adviser to see which IRA is best for you.